COPS employees donate Christmas presents to children in the SPWG Stiefern, December 18, 2021
"Every single year Baby-Christ comes again...." says the Christmas classic by F. Silcher.
But every single year someone from COPS also comes. Because every year there are children and young people in the social pedagogical residential communities Stiefern, who unfortunately do not have the opportunity to spend Christmas in a / their family. Since 2013, these young people have been sending their Christmas wishes to the employees of COPS GmbH Vienna, who are then happy to fulfill them.
How this came about and what SPWG Stiefern does, you can read here in the interview with Thomas Rotter.
This year Reinhard Stöckl delivered the gifts and got a deeper insight into the work on site and the fates behind it, which went very close to his heart and his daughter Johanna, who accompanied him. Thomas Rotter gratefully received the gifts and will see to their distribution on Christmas Eve.
In Stiefern, the fulfillment of Christmas wishes is firmly assigned, but if you have a taste for it: Donations are always welcome!
Sozialpädagogische Wohngemeinschaften Stiefern – Spendenkonto
IBAN: AT46 3242 6000 0041 7329
Raiffeisenbank Schönberg (Langenlois)
Contact: [email protected]